Flower Patch 7

Flower Patch 07a
That “aha” moment, when a photo in a book bears a resemblance to a quilt patch.

Flower Patch 07iIt might be a stretch, but these Flower Patches of yellow, white, and brown reminded me of a photo I’d seen in a costume history book. I just couldn’t recall where!  All I could remember was that it was very yellow and had something to do with parasols and a theme exotic to western eyes, like something from the “Orient.”

Finally, I found this illustration from Fashioning Fashion: European Dress in Detail, 1700-1915, by Sharon Sadako Takeda. (Fabulous book!) It’s definitely yellow. And the pattern is certainly exotic. The quilt fabric, however, is heavily glazed, and I have no idea whether it was used for apparel or furnishings. I re-read the section on yellow dyes in Susan Greene’s Wearable Prints hoping to identify the type, but decided I’m too inexperienced for that.

Flower Patch 07h
Back of the patch with a snippet of text, perhaps from the “Something Register.”

As for date, the little bit of text printed on the back of one of the pieces was an enticing clue. I was surprised to see how many early publications appeared after a keyword search. Even after I filtered the results by spelling and phrasing, there were way too many to pin it down. And I found that many publishers “borrowed” and reprinted much more often than I would have expected – even for that era. But I did get it narrowed to circa 1808 or ’09, the British Register, Political Register, Annual Register, Literary Register, Cobbett’s Register…. At that point, I guess it registered with me that the exact source would remain uncertain.

Flower Patch 07g
The right side of the patch showing an arm holding a – parasol?
Flower Patch 07e
This piece shows a person’s face.
Flower Patch07f
The reverse of the patch above, with writing from a copybook.
Flower Patch 07c
A patch with a parasol.
Flower Patch 07d
And the back of the patch with a parasol, also with copybook writing.
