Three Scoops

Enough fluff, do you think? Le Bon Genre numéro 54 : Manches en Spirales, Profusion de Garnitures, 1812″. Paris, Musée Carnavalet. CC0
Revealing and concealing – and quite a few scoops of ice cream! “Le Bon Genre, N°50. Les Garnitures. G.10779″ by Anonyme, graveur. CC0 1.0.
And a lot of scoops on this one as well! It’s not satire, but a fashion plate. “Morning Walking-Dress: A round robe dress of white figured muslin, with worked bosom, made high on the neck–vandyked collar of lace–long sleeves, made full, and drawn across in five or six divisions–to tie in small bows of light blue ribbon:–the robe trimmed at the feet with a triple row of light blue ribbon: the shoulder-straps and bracer, ribbon of the same color.” The Lady’s Magazine, August, 1814. www.

A perfect darn. Click for a closer view.
I’m melting….But with elegance!

8 thoughts on “Three Scoops

    1. Thank you! I keep coming back to the idea that some women made their clothes in whatever way worked – expedience and convenience! Those strings in my sleeves would drive me nuts though.


      1. I would love to see a detail like that in a period drama. “Excuse me, Mr. Darcy, I must adjust my sleeve cords, so I will be unable to promenade with you.” 🙂


  1. What a beautiful piece of clothing! The material looks like a dream to hand sew and the strings holding the sleeves in place are ingenious. I will have to make one of my dolls one of these 🥰 Wonderful post, thank you 🌺

