
Girls Sewing

Hello! I’m glad you’ve stopped by. Since I’m possibly the only person in the world obsessed with the HISTORY OF PLAIN SEWING INSTRUCTION, it’s a lonely hobby. But if you love needlework and history, you may find something to interest, inform, or entertain you here. And if you have something to share, I’d really love to hear from you. I’m always learning – or re-learning – and welcome suggestions and corrections for which I will be happy to credit you. If you find something here that you plan to reuse, I’d also be humbly grateful for a citation or credit. (That’s only happened once in seven years, so I’m not holding my breath!)

Plain sewing is the focus, but I sure do have a hard time staying focused. Therefore you are likely to find rabbit trails all through the past. Celebrate serendipity!

4 thoughts on “Welcome

    1. Hello! Thanks! You must be referring to a post where I was sewing something for Pharaby. If you’ll click “Pharaby” in categories or tags, you should see plenty of pictures!


  1. Hello; I’ve been following your site for many months now, and I have to tell you how happy I am that you have this site, and that you post to it with such interesting items of historical hand sewing! I had made myself a doll similar to your “Pharby” only out of linen instead of wood. I have not yet attempted the wood version. Her facial features are embroidered, and her hair is a light brown wool, pulled back in a respectable bun, with a proper mob cap and ribbon to top it off. I made her shift of handkerchief linen, stays (boned with round toothpicks) pockets, (embroidered with coloured threads), pocket hoops, petticoats and a gown, all hand sewed with the tiniest stitches I could make. So, I follow your Pharby posts with great interest! Lately I’v been trying to figure out how to make her shoes…

    What is your Lancasterian System of Instruction? Was it an actual course taught in schools? Can I join your Plain Sewing Preservation Society?

    Debra Turrall, UE
    The Loyal Needle


  2. Thank you so much! Of course you can. If you’d like to send me your snail mail at m@twothreadsback.com (it’ll be private and not appear on the blog), I’ll send you the physical “token” for our “virtual” society. I’m fascinated by rewards of merit and hope to write about them soon. Have a look at the Plain Needlework page here, and you can read all about Joseph Lancaster and his system. I’ll be writing more about that, too!
    PS If you ever have pictures of your doll to share, I’d love to see them. She sounds beautiful!


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